ÖzetDünya çapında büyük öneme sahip olan pamuk bitkisinin özellikle lif kalite özellikleri bakımından ihtiyaçlara yönelik olarak daha kaliteli ve verimi daha yüksek olması için günümüze kadar pek çok araştırma yapılmış, bunun neticesinde de yaygın olarak kullanılan ticari çeşitler geliştirilmiştir. Yapmış olduğumuz bu çalışmada, lif kalite özelliklerinden çırçır randımanı, incelik,
Phenotypic Analysis in Terms of Properties of Fiber Quality in Some Cotton
Genotypes AbstractThere are many researches of cotton plant that have world wide importance especially in fiber quality done until today for having properties to meet different needs in terms of higher quality and higher efficiency; consequently widely used commercial varieties have been developed. In this study that we have done, fiber quality characteristics ginning, sophistication, flexibility, length and strength properties were analyzed and compared with standard varieties. As a result, the gin efficiency values vary between 0.08 -00.40% and mean value as 0.20% , standard deviation value as 0.05 were determined. Between genotypes, ginning value belonging to the number 31(G.hirsutum/CrincleLeaf) genotype is the lowest , number 104 genotype (Famosa*) was found to have the highest efficiency and looking at the results for the majority values of genotypes the is determined to be less than average value. Fiber