Using the reductive perturbation method a theoretical infrastructure has been developed to study the nonlinear propagation of ion-acoustic waves in self-gravitating multicomponent dusty plasma consisting of positive ions, non-isothermal electrons and negatively charged warm dust particles with uctuating dust charges and drifting motion. It is shown that instead of coupled nonlinear equations as obtained by earlier authors the nonlinear propagation of ion-acoustic waves in such a plasma can be described by an uncoupled third order partial dierential equation which is a modied form of the Kortewegde Vries equation. From this equation, quasi-soliton solution is obtained for the ion-acoustic wave. The eects of non-isothermal electrons, gravity, dust charge uctuations and drifting motion on the ion-acoustic solitary waves are discussed with application in astrophysical contexts. The importance of the model considered here has also been pointed out.