This paper discusses non-radiative processes that are relevant to the luminescence characteristics of optically active ions doped into insulators or large-gap semiconductors, with particular attention to how these processes are affected as the particle size is reduced from bulk single crystals to as small as a few nanometers. The non-radiative processes discussed in this article are thermal line broadening and thermal line shifting, relaxation via phonons between excited electronic states, vibronic emission and absorption, and phonon-assisted energy transfer. Given that one of the main effects of confinement in these particles is on the phonon density of states, we pay particular attention to how these non-radiative processes are altered due to the change in the phonon density of states as particle size decreases. Inorganic insulators doped with rare-earth ions and transition metal ions represent an important class of luminescent materials for many applications, including phosphors for lighting, scintillators, solid-state laser materials, bio-markers for imaging, and nanothermometry. Following excitation by radiation, the optical ions usually undergo some degree of non-radiative relaxation releasing a part or all of its energy to the lattice. During the non-radiative relaxation, all or part of the electronic energy initially stored in the optically active ion is converted into phonons.From the perspective of energy efficiency of luminescent materials, it may seem beneficial to attempt to eliminate non-radiative processes altogether. However, the conversion of electronic energy into heat energy following excitation is, in fact, desirable to many applications. Non-radiative processes play an important role in converting light from the blue LED into red and green light for white light generation in lamp phosphors, for efficient operation of many solid-state lasers, for energy transfer and multiphonon relaxation in bio-imaging, and also for the establishment of thermal equilibrium, the principle on which thermometry is based. For these technologies to be optimized, non-radiative processes must be controlled, or at least carefully considered. Thus, understanding these processes is of great interest to the luminescence community. The specific non-radiative processes addressed in this work are thermal line broadening, thermal line shifting, decay via a phonon from one electronic level to another, vibronic transitions, and phonon-assisted energy transfer.The main focus of this work is on how non-radiative processes are affected as the particle size decreases into the nano-regime. Generally speaking, the two main effects of going from the bulk to the nano are:(1) an increase in the surface to volume ratio, and (2) a reduction in the phonon density of states. Item (1) often leads to an increase in defect sites (mostly near the surface) and surface states, which in turn tends to decrease the luminescence efficiency as one goes from the bulk to the nano. This nonradiative process is outside the scope of this article. Item (...