American lobsters Homarus americanus were inoculated with a field isolate of the Gram-positive bacterium Aerococcus viridans var. homari, causative agent of gaffkemia, at 1 × 10 6 , 1 × 10 4 or 1 × 10 2 colony forming units (CFU) kg -1 or with sterile 3% NaCl and maintained at 10 or 15°C until they died or were euthanised. Progression of disease in individual animals was monitored daily by total haemocyte count (THC) and haemolymph culture. Post-mortem examinations were performed on all lobsters. Effects of both ambient temperature and infective dose on survival time were observed. Marked bacteraemia occurred in all mortalities. Haemocytopenia (THC < 10 × 10 9 cells l -1 ) preceded death in most, but not all, mortalities.
KEY WORDS: Lobster · Homarus americanus · Gaffkemia · Aerococcus viridans var. homari
Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisherDis Aquat Org 61: [263][264][265][266][267][268] 2004 were obtained from a commercial dryland pound (Clearwater Fine Foods). Lobsters were kept individually in compartmentalised plastic trays while acclimatised for 4 wk in a recirculating water (artificial seawater [ASW] Instant Ocean ® , Aquarium Systems) system maintained between 1.5 and 2.5°C. Lighting was set at a 14 h low light (< 3 lux):10 h dark cycle. Lobsters were not fed during the acclimation period.For the experimental period, the lobsters were kept individually in compartmentalised plastic trays in recirculating ASW tank systems at either 10 or 15°C (±1.5°C). Additional ASW was added if ammonia levels exceeded 0.3 ppm. Room lighting was maintained at a 14 h low light (< 3 lux):10 h dark cycle. Lobsters were not fed during the experimental period.Inoculum preparation. A lyophilised culture of an Aerococcus viridans Type 3 (api 20 Strep, bioMérieux Canada) was used. It was recovered from a lobster submitted to the Atlantic Veterinary College Diagnostic Laboratory as part of an investigation of a gaffkemia outbreak at a commercial lobster pound. A thawed aliquot of a first passage 48 h subculture stored at -80°C in 2% skim milk culture broth (Bacto ® skim milk, DIFCO Laboratories) was grown on sheep blood (5%) agar (BA) (Oxoid) at 28°C for 24 h and the colonies were used to inoculate 25 ml of sterile trypticase soy broth (TSB). Broth cultures were incubated overnight at 28°C and the optical density (OD 420 ) was read at 420 nm (Spectronic 20D, Milton Roy Company). The suspension was washed twice with sterile 3% NaCl. An aliquot of the saline suspension was serially diluted to obtain inoculum doses of 1 × 10 6 , 1 × 10 4 and 1 × 10 2 colony forming units (CFU) kg -1 lobster for the high (HD), intermediate (ID) and low dose (LD) groups, respectively. Colony counts were performed on 25 µl aliquots of the serial dilutions, cultured on BA at 28°C after 48 h of incubation.Direct haemolymph culture. To detect bacteraemia, sheep BA (5%) plates were inoculated with 0.2 to 0.4 ml of aseptically collected haemolymph, incubated at 28ºC, and examined at 24, 48 and 72 h. The...