The white-tip nematode, Aphelenchoides besseyi, is a seedborne ectoparasite of rice, Oryza sativa (Fukano, 1962;Todd & Atkins, 1958).The nematode reproduces in cavities above the growing tip of the rudimentary culm, on the young leaf surrounded by the innermost leaf sheath during the tillering stage, and in the florets and immature seeds (Goto & Fukatsu, 1952;. After harvesting, the fourth-stage juveniles and adults are dehydrated, coiled and motionless under the hulls of dried rice seeds (Hoshino & Togashi, 2020;, 1974. Taking account of the water content of seeds (15%) after the postharvest desiccation (Hoshikawa, 1989), the nematodes are considered to be in a dehydrated quiescent state (quiescence in the hypometabolic state) rather than "cryptobiosis" in the undetectable levels of ametabolism (Hoshino & Togashi, 2020;Rao, 2018;Watanabe, 2006). When soaking the dried seeds in water, the nematodes revive, come out of the seeds after germination and infect the rice seedlings (Tamura & Kegasawa, 1957). It takes about 10 days to complete the life cycle on mycelia of Fusarium solani at 25°C , although there are small differences in the generation time among the fungal species used as food (Gokte & Mathur, 1989