Topological constraint theory has become an increasingly popular tool to predict the compositional dependence of glass properties or pinpoint promising compositions with tailored functionalities. This approach reduces complex disordered networks into simpler mechanical trusses. Thereby, topological constraint theory captures the important atomic topology that controls macroscopic properties while filtering out less relevant second-order structural details. As such, topological constraint theory can be used to decode the genome of glass, that is, to identify and decipher how the basic structural building blocks of glasses control their engineering properties-in the same way as the human genome offers information that serves as a blueprint for an individual's growth and development. Thanks to its elegance and simplicity, topological constraint theory has enabled the development of various physics-based models that can analytically predict various properties of glass. In this Chapter, I introduce some general background in glass science, concepts of atomic rigidity, and topological constraint theory. The topological constraints enumeration scheme is presented for various archetypical glasses and is used to understand the origin of their glass-forming ability. Finally, various topological models enabling the prediction of glass properties are reviewed, with a focus on hardness, fracture toughness, viscosity, fragility, glass transition temperature, and dissolution kinetics. Time Scientific progress Fig. 1: The discovery of new materials largely defines the progress of our civilization.
Glass genome and discovery of new compositionsRevealing the full potential of glass requires the discovery of new glass formulations showing unique properties. However, this task is especially complicated for non-crystalline glassy materials for several reasons. First, virtually all the elements of the periodic table can be turned into a glass, if cooled fast enough from the liquid state [9]. Second, unlike crystals, glasses do not have to satisfy any fixed stoichiometry thanks to their out-of-equilibrium nature. As such, the composition of glasses can be continuously changed. For all these reasons, the number of possible glass compositions has been estimated to be around 1052! Yet, only about 200,000 glass compositions have been produced in the last 6000 years of human glass history [9]. These numbers demonstrate that the range of possible glasses remains largely unexplored-so that there exists an incredible opportunity for the future discovery of new glass formulations with unusual functionalities.However, although it offers a large room for improvement, the astronomical number of possible glass compositions is also a challenge. Indeed, such a large parametric space renders traditional Edisonian discovery approach based on trial-and-error largely inefficient. To accelerate the discovery of new glass formulations, it is necessary to decode the Glass Genome, that is, to decipher how the properties of glasses are controlled by their und...