. 2015. Effects of dry period management and parity on rumen fermentation, blood metabolites, and liver triacylglyceride in dairy cows. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 95: 445Á453. The effects of dry period management on rumen fermentation, blood metabolites and liver triacylglyceride (TAG) were determined in 11 second-parity (PAR 2) and 15 third-parity and older (PAR 3') cows. Cows were paired and randomly assigned to two treatments: (1) DM) in a randomized block design. Concentrations of total volatile fatty acids, ammonia, and lactate in rumen fluid, and also concentrations of lactate, beta hydroxybutyric acid (BHBA), urea and insulin in plasma were not affected by treatment. Across the 3 wk after calving, cows on the SHORT treatment had higher blood non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) and glucose, and at 1 wk after calving, these cows had a higher liver TAG than cows on the CONV treatment. Also, during this time, PAR 3' cows had higher serum NEFA compared with PAR 2 cows. Results suggest that the SHORT treatment resulted in more lipolysis, TAG accumulation in the liver and glucose sparing in early lactation compared with the CONV treatment, and that this effect was greater in PAR 3' cows than in PAR 2 cows.Key words: Dry period, dairy cows, blood metabolites, rumen fermentation, liver Khazanehei, H., Li, S., Khafipour, E. et Plaizier, J. C. 2015. Les effets de la gestion de la pe´riode de tarissement et de la pariteś ur la fermentation dans le rumen, les me´tabolites sanguins et le triacylglyce´ride du foie chez les vaches laitie`res. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 95: 445Á453. Les effets de la gestion de la pe´riode de tarissement sur la fermentation dans le rumen, les me´tabolites sanguins et le triacylglyce´ride (TAG) du foie ont e´te´de´termine´s chez 11 vaches de deuxie`me parite´(PAR 2) et 15 vaches de troisie`me parite´et plus (PAR 3'). Les vaches ont e´te´jumele´es puis assigne´es de fac¸on ale´atoire a`deux traitements: (1) une pe´riode de tarissement courte de 40 jours (SHORT Á « short 40-d dry period ») avec une die`te de pre´paration au veˆlage Les re´sultats sugge`rent que le traitement SHORT se solde par une augmentation de la lipolyse, une accumulation de TAG dans le foie et l'e´pargne du glucose dans les stades pre´coces de lactation par rapport au traitement CONV et cet effet e´tait plus grand chez les vaches PAR 3' que les vaches PAR 2.Mots clé s: Pe´riode de tarissement, vaches laitie`res, me´tabolites du sang, fermentation dans le rumen, foieThe transition period is a challenging phase for dairy cows in regard to metabolic and physiologic adaptations that cows undergo during this time. The high energy demand during early lactation commonly results in a negative energy balance, lipolysis, ketogenesis and fat accumulation in the liver, and, therefore, in reduced metabolic health (Weber et al. 2013). Dry period management affects metabolic health in early lactation (Janovick et al. 2011; van Knegsel et al. 2013). A short dry period between 28 and 35 d with only one diet may reduce the stresses of switching diets and i...