Use of d -H 3 e proton spectroscopy as a diagnostic of shell ρ r in capsule implosion experiments with 0.2 NIF scale high temperature Hohlraums at Omegaa) Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 10E526 (2008);A spectroscopy diagnostic of plasma gradients in inertial confinement fusion imploded cores (abstract) Rev. Sci.A technique has been developed for studying the time-dependent, local physical conditions in ablator samples in an inertial confinement fusion ͑ICF͒ hohlraum environment. This technique involves backlit point-projection absorption spectroscopy of thin tracer layers buried in the interior of solid samples mounted on laser-driven hohlraums. It is shown how detailed view-factor, atomic, hydrodynamics, and radiation-transport modeling can be used to infer time-dependent physical conditions in the interiors of these samples from the observed absorption spectra. This modeling is applied to the results of an experimental campaign on the OMEGA laser ͓T. R. Boehly et al., Opt. Commun. 133, 495 ͑1997͔͒ designed to compare radiation-wave velocities in doped and undoped ICF ablator materials.