“…Vegetation structure is a useful surrogate for ecosystem attributes and ecological processes, e.g. microclimate (Milling et al ), carbon storage and sequestration (Wang et al ; Chazdon et al ), water yield (Filoso et al ), protection against soil erosion (Musick & Gillette ; Zhou et al ; Zhang et al ), improving water quality (Dosskey et al ), and pollination (Cho et al ). More broadly, if vegetation structure is on a trajectory to be restored to a target, it usually means restoration of composition and abundance of plant species (Liebsch et al ; Suganuma & Durigan ), microorganisms (Banning et al ), and faunal groups, such as soil fauna (Frouz et al ; Dalle Laste et al ), butterflies (Nyafwono et al ; Shuey et al ), amphibians (Díaz‐García et al ), reptiles (Kanowski et al ), and birds (Twedt et al ), will also be restored.…”