Spatial and temporal patterns of light attenuance, zooplankton abundance, and larval fish assemblages observed at night in the flood tide wake of a 2-km-wide, steep-sided island within the Great Barrier Reef lagoon (40-45-m local depth) are compared with two simple models. Eddy upwelling is shown to be slow relative to erosion, vertical entrainment, and advection (EA) arising near the flanks of the island, where currents were accelerated to 1-2 m s Ϫ1 , approximately twice that in the free stream. Turbidity (particles Ͻ300-m equivalent spherical diameter [ESD], inferred from increased water column light attenuance of an optical plankton counter) and medium-sized zooplankton (700-1,000-m ESD) appeared to be entrained toward the surface, to form a V-shaped plume. The plume originated near the island's flanks and converged 4 km downstream. Here, light attenuance returned to the free stream conditions, presumably as sediments settled, leaving a patch of medium-sized zooplankton that had a three-to fourfold greater biomass concentration than the free stream. A decrease in the concentration of small zooplankton (300-500-m ESD, generally found in surface waters) is also consistent with vertical mixing by EA. Neuston net collections across the wake revealed two larval fish assemblages that were correlated with either the small surface zooplankton or with the deeper, medium-sized zooplankton, which included epibenthic taxa. If EA is a common process for patch formation in tidal waters, then the geometry of the associated plumes may predict larval settlement (recruitment ''hotspots'') in shallow tidal waters.Swirls of turbidity in the wakes of small islands are distinctive features within shallow, tidally energetic areas such as the Great Barrier Reef lagoon (Hamner and Hauri 1977; Wolanski et al. 1984a,b). Wakes of this nature may extend downstream several island diameters within the semidiurnal tidal excursion, and they may exist for periods of 4-5 h (Black and Gay 1986;Signell and Geyer 1991). Wakes may
AcknowledgmentsWe are grateful to the crew and captain of the RV Franklin, along with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation personnel who contributed to the success of the cruise. We acknowledge constructive discussions with C. Reiss and K. Thompson at Dalhousie University and two anonymous reviewers. GeoScience Australia, the National Tidal Facility at Flinders University and B. Petrie assisted with bathymetry data and tidal interpretation. We thank R. Piola and S. Murray for the zooplankton analyses.Funding was provided by the Australian Research Council; the Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce; the Australian Geographic magazine; Focal Technologies; the Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans; and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. enhance mixing (Townsend et al. 1983) and modify sediment transport, thus influencing the bathymetry. Wakes can also have biological consequences that affect species-diversity gradients and plankton patchiness Hauri...