The aim of this study is to investigate whether serum vitamin D level predicts the risk of Peyronie's disease. Calcium and inflammatory cytokines play an important role during fibrocalcification of the plaques in Peyronie's Disease. TGF-β1 is one of the most fibrogenic cytokines. Increasing serum vitamin D levels is considered that induce expression of TGF-β1. Serum vitamin D levels and TGF-β1 are related with calcifications of some soft tissues in previous studies. One hundred and three Peyronie patients and 162 healthy volunteers were included in the study. In both groups, demographic data, medical history, physical examination and erectile capacity were recorded. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein, triglyceride and testosterone levels were measured. The mean level of serum 25 (OH) D was significantly higher in men with Peyronie's disease compared with the controls (32.6 ± 7.9 ng/ml vs. 18.5 ± 6.6 ng/ml respectively. p < 0.001). There is a relationship between Peyronie's disease and high serum vitamin D levels. Also, increased low-density lipoprotein and total cholesterol levels, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular diseases were associated with Peyronie's disease.
K E Y W O R D Spenile curvature, Peyronie's disease, plaque, vitamin D (Bollineni & Reddi, 1993). In addition, the severity of PD may correlate with DM has been shown (Kendirci, Trost, Sikka, & Hellstrom, 2007). In our study, 6.2% of patients had DM in control group and 26.2% of patients had DM in PD group (p < 0.001).Aetiologic impact of smoking is unclear in PD. Smoking has been shown as a PD risk factor in some studies. A retrospective case-control study showed that smoking was associated with PD (Bjekic et al., 2006). An another comparative clinical study showed that smoking was statistically higher in patients with PD than healthy population (Pavone et al., 2015). However, we did not find a significant relationship between smoking and PD (p = 0.375). Similarly, the impact of alcohol using is uncertain, although there are some studies showing that alcohol consumption is a risk factor for PD. Bjekic et al. found that alcohol consumption was related with PD (Bjekic et al., 2006).However, in the present study our results do not support this association (p = 0.468).Cholesterol is known a precursor of steroid hormones and has important roles in body metabolism. Hypercholesterolaemia and increased LDL levels are related with hyperlipidemia. Hyperlipidaemia is well known as a risk factor for vascular diseases. CVD is considered to lead of vascular weakness and facilitate the vascular damages during sexual intercourse. Therefore, hyperlipidaemia and CVD are risk factors for PD according to previous studies (Bjekic et al., 2006;Kadioglu et al., 2002;Muralidhar, Kumar, Sharma, Sharma, & Mandai, 1997). In our study, we found that increased CVD rates and high LDL/ total cholesterol levels were associated with PD.Our study has several limitations. Firstly, serum calcium and cavernosal TGF-β1 levels...