NutzungsbedingungenMulti-family herapy (MFT) is an evidence-based method used in the treatment of psychological disorders, psychiatric symptoms and physical illness in children, adolescents and adults. It is widely used in Anglo-American countries. In Germany initial studies showed positive efects of MFT with adolescents with anorexia nervosa and children with learning disabilities. he Frankfurt multi-family herapy model for families with children with developmental delays, chronic illness or disabilities has been in practice and constant development at the Frankfurt social pediatric center since 1994. A pilot study examined treated families´ assessment of the program´s content, format, objectives and therapeutic efects. Results indicate a high level of acceptance of the involved families and positive efects on the intra-family and inter-family level. Furthermore, the Frankfurt MFT model could be shown to be an efective and appropriate mode of intervention, in particular for those families who have to cope with the special needs of their children throughout a lifetime.