X-ray imaging is integral to the measurement of the properties of hot plasmas. To this end, a suite of gated x-ray imagers have been developed for use in a wide range of experiments at the National Ignition Facility (NIF). These instruments are sensitive to x-rays over the range of 0.7-90keV and can acquire images at 20ps intervals for source intensities ranging over several orders of magnitude. We review the design, technology, and construction of these instruments and present recent results obtained from NIF experiments in which gated x-ray imagers have played a key role.The radiation environment associated with Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) experiments presents unique challenges for x-ray imaging. We report on the performance of gated imagers that have been optimized for this harsh environment and describe diagnostics to be deployed in the near future that will provide x-ray images of imploding ICF capsules in the presence of backgrounds associated with neutron yields above 10 16 . Such images will provide crucial data that will enable even higher neutron yields and successful ignition.