In this article we show how to generalize to the Darbouxian, Liouvillian and Riccati case the extactic curve introduced by J. Pereira. With this approach, we get new algorithms for computing, if it exists, a rational, Darbouxian, Liouvillian or Riccati first integral with bounded degree of a polynomial planar vector field. We give probabilistic and deterministic algorithms. The arithmetic complexity of our probabilistic algorithm is inÕ(N ω+1 ), where N is the bound on the degree of a representation of the first integral and ω ∈ [2; 3] is the exponent of linear algebra. This result improves previous algorithms. Our algorithms have been implemented in Maple and are available on authors' websites. In the last section, we give some examples showing the efficiency of these algorithms. First integrals and Symbolic computations and Complexity analysis 1