<span lang="EN-US">Over recent years, drones are increasingly being used not only for military tasks only, but also for civilian tasks too, such as environment and traffic monitoring, delivery services, and aerial surveys. Unfortunately, as they become more popular and in demand, they become more vulnerable to a variety of security threats. To combat such attacks and security threats, a proper design of a robust security and authentication system based on and stream cipher lightweight salsa20 algorithm with chaotic maps to cipher payload data to improve security network transfer of radio technical commission for maritime services (RTCM) messages over (NTRIP) communication protocol. By using a proposed key generation method which is based on a 1d logistic map to produce a flight session key for a drone with a flight plan, and then records the flight session key and the drone's flight plan in a central database that can be accessed. The proposed system is superior to other similar systems in terms of security and performance, according to the review.</span>