Thiophene-annulated naphthalene diimide (NTI)-based molecules have recently emerged as an important class of n-type electronic materials. However,t heir synthesis has predominantly been achieved by Stille or Suzuki coupling reactions despite the presence of ap otential CÀHb ond in NTI. Additionally,t he synthesis of NTI or more generally mono-functionalizationo fn aphthalene diimide (NDI) starts with ac umbersome bromination that results in al ow yield, is unselective, and requires tedious purification. Weh erein thus addresst hese issues via a two-step CÀHa ctivation:arhodium-catalyzed direct CÀH iodinization is first presented for NDI, followed by establishing an efficient direct arylation protocol for NTI with high yield and robustness. Coupling of up to four NTI units on ab enzene or pyrene core is demonstrated along with other aryl bromide substrates. Allt he herein reported NTI-based small molecules showed n-type semiconductor behavior under air. 1,4,5,8-Naphthalenetetracarboxylic diimide is the smallest member in the class of rylene diimides. Due to its uniqueproperties, such as ease of structural modification,e lectron deficient and planars tructure, high electron mobility and unconventional morphological behavior,N DI has become one of the most versatile and widely studied skeletons. [1][2][3] NDI-derived materials thus play an important role in research fields ranging from supramolecular chemistry,e lectron transfer systems, to organic electronics. [4,5] In the course of NDI-based materials for organic electronics, p-extension of NDIc ore through ringfusion at its four a-positions or coupling through its 2,6-positions has been aw idely applied strategy to control opto/electronic properties. [1][2][3] Nevertheless, mono-functionalization of the NDI core has received lessa ttention due to synthetic difficulties resulting from as imilar reactivity of the a-positions on the NDI core, despitei ts potential to further extend the material scope of NDI-based opto/electronics tructures. [6,7] We recently reported am ono-thiophene-fused NDI, namely naphtho[2,3-b]thiophene diimide( NTI), [6] which was then applied to generatev ariousN TI-terminated p-conjugated architectures that showed excellent n-type performance in organic electronics, demonstrating its potential as av ersatile building block. [6,8] However,t he synthesis of these NTI-terminated structures has been achieved to date by conventional coupling techniques such as Stille or Suzuki cross-coupling reactions, [6,8] while ad irect arylation (DA) protocol has recently been reported fors ymmetric thiophene-annulated NDI. [9] Indeed, the CÀH bond at the a-position of thiophene on NTI holds ag reat potential to be used in DA, in which NTI can be directlyc oupled with halogenated substrates, making the bromination of NTI and prefuctionalization to generate reactive organometallic substrates that are necessary in other coupling reactions redundant. [10][11][12] Thus, developing an efficient CÀHa ctivation protocol fort he NTI unit not only reduces synthetic st...