Abstract. Limited computing resources in portable multimedia devices are an obstacle in real-time video decoding of high resolution and/or high quality video contents. Ordinary H.264/AVC video decoders cannot decode video contents that exceed the limits set by their processing resources. However, in many real applications especially on portable devices, a simplified decoding with some acceptable degradation may be desirable instead of just refusing to decode such contents. For this purpose, a complexity-scalable H.264/AVC video decoding scheme is investigated in this paper. First, several simplified methods of decoding tools that have different characteristics are investigated to reduce decoding complexity and consequential degradation of reconstructed video. Then a complexity scalable H.264/AVC decoding scheme is designed by selectively combining effective simplified methods to achieve the minimum degradation. Experimental results with the H.264/AVC main profile bitstream show that its decoding complexity can be scalably controlled, and reduced by up to 44% without subjective quality loss. © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.