A small magnetic field is found to enhance relaxation processes in a superconductor, thus stabilizing superconductivity in nonequilibrium conditions. In a normal-metal (N)/insulator/superconductor (S) tunnel junction, applying a field of the order of 100 μT leads to significantly improved cooling of the N island by quasiparticle (QP) tunneling. These findings are attributed to faster QP relaxation within the S electrodes as a result of enhanced QP drain through regions with a locally suppressed energy gap due to magnetic vortices in the S leads at some distance from the junction. Introduction. In this Rapid Communication, we report an observation that appears counterintuitive at first: A small magnetic field is found to stabilize superconductivity under quasiparticle (QP) injection. In our experiment, the cooling power of normal-metal (N)/insulator (I)/superconductor (S) tunnel structures is enhanced in perpendicular magnetic fields B ⊥ 100 μT = 1 G. A measured maximum temperature drop δT relative to a starting bath temperature T 0 = 285 mK exhibiting this behavior is shown in Fig. 1(a). The improvement is unexpected, as in general the effect of a magnetic field is to suppress superconductivity. Electronic cooling in NIS junctions in the presence of magnetic fields in both perpendicular and parallel orientations has been studied before, 1 but only in higher fields where the cooling power was already reduced due to a diminishing superconducting energy gap . On the other hand, the creation of magnetic vortices 2 has been shown to enhance QP relaxation in superconducting aluminum, as the QPs become trapped and thermalize in the regions of a reduced energy gap. 3 Here we demonstrate that the additional relaxation channel due to an enhanced QP drain through regions occupied by magnetic vortices enhances the superconducting performance of S leads and improves the electronic cooling in NIS junctions. This can be of relevance in superconducting qubits, 4-7 resonators, 8 and in hybrid SINIS turnstiles 9 in reducing the effects from nonequilibrium and residual QPs arising due to drive and microwave radiation from the environment. Moreover, improved relaxation caused by vortex creation in the S leads can partially explain the "reentrant superconductivity" observed in Zn and Al nanowires. 10,11 In the present case, as sketched in Fig. 1(a), vortex formation in the S electrodes away from the NIS junction improves relaxation of the injected QPs and leads to enhanced cooling of the N island. In higher fields, vortices move closer to the junction, deteriorating the cooling power.In a NIS junction, acts as an energy filter for the tunneling QP. [12][13][14][15] At low temperatures k B T and for bias voltages eV across the junction, the electrons in the N electrode cool considerably below the phonon temperature by hot QP extraction. The effect can be made to be more pronounced in a symmetric double-junction SINIS structure with a small N