Human and mouse fibroblast chromosomes carrying tyrosinase or b-locus genes were introduced, by microcell hybridization, into pigmented Syrian hamster melanoma cells, and the microcell hybrids were tested for transactivation of the fibroblast tyrosinase and b-locus genes. By using species-specific PCR amplification to distinguish fibroblast and melanoma cDNAs, it was demonstrated that the previously silent fibroblast tyrosinase and b-locus genes were transactivated following chromosomal transfer into pigmented melanoma cells. However, transactivation of the mouse fibroblast tyrosinase gene was unstable in microcell hybrid subclones and possibly dependent on a second fibroblast locus that could have segregated in the subclones. This second locus was not necessary for transactivation of the fibroblast b-locus gene, thus demonstrating noncoordinate transactivation of fibroblast tyrosinase and b-locus genes. Transactivation of the fibroblast tyrosinase gene in microcell hybrids apparently is dependent on the absence of a putative fibroblast extinguisher locus for tyrosinase gene expression, which presumably is responsible for the extinction of pigmentation in hybrids between karyotypically complete fibroblasts and melanoma cells.The generation of distinct cell types in multicellular animals only recently has begun to be understood at the genetic and molecular levels. Much emphasis has been placed on factors regulating transcription and on the DNA sequences interacting with such factors. However, the control mechanisms determining which regulatory factors will be active and when they will be expressed are still largely unknown, as are the mechanisms which maintain the differentiated state. Studies on the molecular control of pigment cell differentiation are still at an early stage, since pigment-cell-specific genes were cloned more recently than genes associated with a number of other tissue types.Pigmentation in mammals results from the synthesis of melanin in melanocytes of the skin, hairbulbs, and pigmented epithelium of the eye. Pigmentation is a complex biochemical and genetic process, with, in the mouse, over 50 distinct genetic loci involved (41). The synthesis of melanin in melanocytes requires the enzyme tyrosinase, encoded by the mouse albino (c) locus. In addition, other enzymes which regulate the type of melanin synthesized have recently been identified (for a review see reference 19). Another locus encoding an enzyme related to tyrosinase is the mouse brown (b) locus, which encodes a pigment-cell-specific catalase (18).Tyrosinase cDNAs from both mice (46) and humans (25) have been cloned and sequenced. The cDNA clones map to the albino (c) locus on mouse chromosome 7 (28) and to human chromosome 11 (q14-21) (2). Evidence that these clones encode the authentic tyrosinase enzyme and that mutations therein are the cause of albinism has been provided by (i) synthesis of an enzyme with tyrosinase activity upon transfection of the mouse cDNA clone and expression in cultured cells (28), (ii) identification of m...