“…However, as EGFR inhibition has become a more relevant treatment strategy in other cancers, newer and more specific EGFR inhibitors such as cetuximab, canertinib, panitumumab, and nimotuzumab have become available, with similar preclinical radiosensitizing effects in breast cancer. [89][90][91][92] Consistent with existing data for HER2 and EGFR signaling, EGFR3-mediated signaling is radioprotective in breast cancer cells, 93,94 but because of the overlap between EGFR signaling pathway signaling, further comparative studies are needed to make direct conclusions comparing the efficacy of specific inhibition of each of the EGFR family members. Furthermore, overexpression of the dominant-negative, truncated EGFR-CD533 protein leads to radiosensitization of breast cancer cells after repeated doses of radiation therapy (RT), 95,96 whereas overexpression of TOB1, a negative regulator of HER2 activity, is radiosensitizing.…”