We study finite state transduction of automatic and morphic sequences. Dekking [4] proved that morphic sequences are closed under transduction and in particular morphic images. We present a simple proof of this fact, and use the construction in the proof to show that non-erasing transductions preserve a condition called α-substitutivity. Roughly, a sequence is α-substitutive if the sequence can be obtained as the limit of iterating a substitution with dominant eigenvalue α. Our results culminate in the following fact: for multiplicatively independent real numbers α and β, if v is a α-substitutive sequence and w is an β-substitutive sequence, then v and w have no common non-erasing transducts except for the ultimately periodic sequences. We rely on Cobham's theorem for substitutions, a recent result of Durand [5]. * This is an extended version of our paper [9] presented at Developments in Language Theory 2014. This extended version contains examples and additional remarks.
Related workDurand [5] proved that if w is an α-substitutive sequence and h is a non-erasing morphism, then h(w) is α k -substitutive for some k ∈ N. We strengthen this result in two directions. First, we show that k may be taken to be 1; hence h(w) is α k -substitutive for every k ∈ N.Second, we show that Durand's result also holds for non-erasing transductions.
PreliminariesWe recall some of the main concepts that we use in the paper. For a thorough introduction to morphic sequences, automatic sequences and finite state transducers, we refer to [1,8].We are concerned with infinite sequences Σ ω over a finite alphabet Σ. We write Σ * for the set of finite words, Σ + for the finite, non-empty words, Σ ω for the infinite words, and Σ ∞ = Σ * ∪ Σ ω for all finite or infinite words over Σ.