The Brazil Northeast region has the higher goat national herd with the endoparasitosisas one of the main factors interfering in these productive chain. Aiming to compare diagnostic techniques to quantify goats endoparasites eggs and oocysts. Eggs and oocysts recovered from feces were identified from 45 goats, Capra aegagrus hircus, by counting eggs per gram of feces (EPG) McMaster (conversion factors 100x and 25x) and Mini-FLOTAC (conversion factors 5x and 10x). The statistical analysis were performed in the SPSS program version 21.0 and the statistical differences and accordance between the techniques, by Friedman (p<0.05) and kappa (p-value), respectively. Eggs from Strongylida, Strongyloidessp., Trichurissp. and Eimeriasp were identified. The coproparasitological methods applied were efficient in quantifying and identifying recovered eggs and oocysts. Although the similarity and accordance among techniques regarding the Eimeriasp. oocysts, the McMaster 25x; Mini-FLOTAC 5x and Mini-FLOTAC 10x were the methods that better recovered such oocysts. The Strongylida eggs were equally recovered by all the techniques. The Strongyloidessp. eggs were better recovered by the McMaster 25x; McMaster 100x and Mini-FLOTAC 5x techniques; and the Trichurissp. by McMaster 100x. Considering that both techniques used in this work were capable on recovering every eggs and oocysts, both can be adopted for coproparasitological diagnostic in goats.