The knowledge of the dependences of yield coefficients on milieu conditions and cell states is an important prerequisite for improving the economy of biotechnological processes for biomass production. The aim of the following investigation was the discovery of such regular relationships of microbial growth, the ingenious use of which can lead to increased yields by these processes.The influence of factors on yield coefficients is often described in the literature by material balances. But a detailed study of the yield coefficient dependences requires a consideration of energetic aspects, too. Recent investigations have shown that in addition to specific growth rate and yield Coefficients thermokinetic, biochemical, and morphological data are useful (MEYENBURG 1969, DAWSON 1972, THOMAS and DAW- SON 1977, SHAFOROSTOVA et al. 1973, HEINRITZ 1978, GLOMBITZA and HEINRITZ 1979, HEINRITZ and BLEY 1979. Thus, in addition to specific growth rate and yield also heat production, concentration of energy metabolites, concentration of functional cell constituents and morphological data were determined during growth processes.A representative example is the following: The yeastl) was cultivated aerobically and discontinuously in a laboratory fermentor on a glucose salt medium including 5% glucose. The cultivation volume was 5 litres and the aeration rate 80 litres per litre and hour. The salts of the fermentation medium were balanced for a biomass concentration of 30 grams dry weight per litre. To reach a high synchronization of microbial growth (BERQTER 1965, MEYENBURQ 1969) the inoculum was precultivated under the described conditions, and this was followed by a 24 hour incubation in a refrigerator.To obtain a quantitative characterization of aerobic yeast growth, the following data were determined : The biomass concentration was measured gravimetrically. The glucose concentration was determined photometrically using the phenole/sulfuric acid method (KORENMAN 1970). The ammonium nitrogen analysis was carried out according to KJELDAHL. The oxygen content of the effluent air was measured with a "Permolyt", the carbon dioxide content with an "Infralyt", both from VEB JUNKALOR, Dessau. The heat production was determined by a method which will be published in a following paper. The luciferine/luciferase reaction was used for ATP analysis (BACHI and ETTLINQER 1973). The NADH-concentration was analyzed by a sensitive ''cycling'' method (JACOBSON and JACOBSON 1976). Nucleic acids were extracted according to the method of SCHNEIDER (1945) and RNA was determined from the extinction a t 260 nm. The percentage of budding cells of the microorganism population was counted under the microscope.These are the results : The temporal dependence of biomass concentration, glucose concentration, and ammonium nitrogen concentration are represented in Fig. 1. These results deviate from the known functions of exponential growth.