Fish protection at hydropower plants is important for the sustainability of hosting ecosystems and the acceptance of hydropower. On their way downstream, fish are exposed to hydropower plants and various related negative effects, ranging from a delay in downstream movement to being injured or killed by a turbine. Understanding the behavior of fish in close proximity to protection devices is essential in order to establish efficient fish protection facilities. In this study, physical (horizontal steel cables) and behavioral barriers (electric field) for fish protection were developed (Flexible FishProtector) and their effectiveness was investigated. The behavior of brown trout (Salmo trutta fario), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), grayling (Thymallus thymallus) and chub (Squalius cephalus) at the Flexible FishProtector was analyzed using video evaluation. The experimental setup was a non-scaled section model of a runoff river power plant. The used electric field induced a flight reaction at a corresponding distance to the Flexible FishProtector that significantly increased the protection rate. Furthermore, an increase in guiding efficiency was achieved with the use of a physical as well as a physical and behavioral barrier, supporting safe downstream migration with the narrower cable clearance (30 mm versus 60 mm).