An analysis is presented of the relationships that exist between learning achievement, the use of metacognitive self-monitoring, cognitive style (Field Dependence-Independence dimension), and learning style (Grasha's Classification) in university students. The study was conducted with a population of 130 medical students enrolled from 6th to 10th semester in a university in Bogotá, Colombia. Using a bivariate correlation,associations were sought between the Grade Point Average (GPA) achieved by students, metacognitive self-monitoring, which was measured with the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ), cognitive styles, which were measured through the Embedded Figures Test (EFT), and learning styles as reported in the Grasha inventory. Findings showed positive correlations between learning achievement and the variables: cognitive style, use of metacognitive strategies, and participantand competitive learning styles, while negative correlations were found with avoidant and dependent learning styles. Similarly, other correlations were found between the studied variables, which are discussed in the document.
ResumenSe presenta un análisis de las relaciones que existen entre logro de aprendizaje, uso de automonitoreo metacognitivo, estilo cognitivo (dimensión DependenciaIndependencia de Campo) y estilo de aprendizaje (Clasificación de Grasha), en estudiantes universitarios. El estudio se realizó con una población de 130 alumnos de una facultad de medicina de 6º a 10º semestre en una universidad en Bogotá, Colombia. Utilizando la metodología de correlaciones bivariadas se buscaron asociaciones entre el promedio académico alcanzado por los estudiantes, el automonitoreo metacognitivo, medido con el cuestionario MSQL, los estilos cognitivos por medio de la prueba EFT y los estilos de aprendizaje reportados en el inventario de Grasha. Los resultados mostraron correlaciones positivas del logro de aprendizaje con las variables: estilo cognitivo, uso de estrategias metacognitivas, estilos de aprendizaje competitivo y participativo, y correlaciones negativas con los estilos de aprendizaje evasivo y dependiente. De igual forma se encontraron otras correlaciones entre las variables de estudio que son discutidas en el documento. Palavras chave: logro de aprendizagem, automonitorização, metacognição, estilo cognitivo, estilo aprendizagem.