Polarization observables in neutron-deuteron scattering are calculated to next-to-next-to-nextto-leading order (N 3 LO) in pionless effective field theory (EFT π ). At N 3 LO the two-body P -wave contact interactions are found to be important contributions to the neutron vector analyzing power, A y (θ), and the deuteron vector analyzing power, iT 11 (θ). Extracting the two-body P -wave EFT π coefficients from two-body scattering data and varying them within the expected EFT π theoretical errors provides results that are consistent (at the N 3 LO level) with A y experimental data at low energies. Cutoff dependence of the N 3 LO correction to the doublet S-wave nd scattering amplitude suggests the need for a new three-body force at N 3 LO, which is likely one that mixes Wignersymmetric and Wigner-antisymmetric three-body channels. *