1D spin crossover (SCO) solids which convert between the low-spin (LS) and the high-spin (HS) states are widely studied in the literature due to their diverse thermal and optical characters which allows obtaining many original behaviors, such as large thermal hysteresis, incomplete spin tran-sitions, as multi-step spin transitions with self-organized states. In the present work, we investigate the thermal behaviors of a system of two-elastically coupled 1D mononuclear chains, using the electro-elastic model, by including an elastic frustration in the nearest neighbors (nn) bond length distances of each chain. The chains are made of SCO sites that are coupled elastically through springs with their nn and next-nearest neighbors. The elastic inter-chain coupling includes diagonal springs, while the nn inter-chains distance is fixed to that of the high-spin state. The model is solved using MC simulations, performed on the spin states and the lattice distortions. When we only frustrate the first chain, we found a strong effect on the thermal-dependence of the HS fraction of the second chain, whose, by lowering its transition temperature which is also accompanied with the appearance of a significant residual HS fraction at low temperature. In the second step, we frustrate both chains by imposing different frustration rates and found that, for high frustration values, the thermal dependence of the total HS fraction exhibits three step and even four step spin transitions. The careful examination of the spin state structures in the plateau regions revealed the existence of special antiferro-elastic structure of type LSLS-HSHS-LSLS-HSHS along the first chain, and HSHS-LSLS-HSHS-LSLS along the second, also showing that the two chains seem to be antifer-ro-elastically coupled. This type of organization is interesting, because it anticipates the possible existence of periodic structures made of alternate 1D antiferro-like HS-LS strings coupled in the ferro-like fashion along the interchain direction in the 2D case.