When liquid-crystal elastomers are prepared without any alignment, disordered polydomain structures emerge as the materials are cooled into the nematic phase. These polydomain structures have been attributed to quenched disorder in the cross-linked polymer network. As an alternative explanation, we develop a theory for the dynamics of the isotropic-nematic transition in liquid-crystal elastomers, and show that the dynamics can induce a polydomain structure with a characteristic length scale, through a mechanism analogous to the Cahn-Hilliard equation for phase separation.Liquid-crystal elastomers are remarkable materials that combine the elastic properties of cross-linked polymer networks with the anisotropy of liquid crystals [1]. Any distortion of the polymer network affects the orientational order of the liquid crystal, and any change in the magnitude or direction of liquid-crystal order influences the shape of the polymer network. Hence, these elastomers are useful for applications as actuators or shapechanging materials.For many applications, it is necessary to prepare monodomain liquid-crystal elastomers. In practice, this can be done by applying a mechanical load or other aligning field while crosslinking [2]. Surprisingly, elastomers prepared without an aligning field do not form monodomains. Rather, they form polydomain structures with nematic order in local regions, which are macroscopically disordered. These polydomain structures have been seen in many experiments, using a wide range of techniques [3][4][5][6][7]. Indeed, a recent polarized light scattering study shows that liquid-crystal elastomers evolve toward a state of increasing disorder as the isotropicnematic transition proceeds, unless the disorder is suppressed by a gradually increasing load [8].One important issue in the theory of liquid-crystal elastomers is how to understand the polydomain state. Several theoretical studies have attributed this state to quenched disorder in the polymer network, which can be understood by analogy with spin glass theory [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]. Effects of quenched disorder have further been modeled and visualized through numerical simulations [18][19][20][21]. More macroscopic theories have shown that the resulting polydomain structure has profound consequences for the material's effective elasticity [22,23].The purpose of this paper is to suggest a different mechanism for the origin of the polydomain state, not related to quenched disorder. We develop a theory for the dynamics of the isotropic-nematic transition in liquidcrystal elastomers, in which growing nematic order is coupled to elastic strain. We explore this theory in two dimensions (2D), using two models for dynamic evolution of nematic order and strain. The theory shows that dynamics can itself select a characteristic length scale for a disordered polydomain structure, through a mechanism similar to the Cahn-Hilliard equation for phase separation. In particular, the theory predicts formation of structures with the form shown in Fig. 1...