Objective: Previous studies have shown that taking care of elderly, demented patients carries a high cost to caregivers' health, and is associated with negative consequences on physical and mental health. The aim of this study is to investigate which socio-demographic and clinical variables are significantly associated with higher levels of distress in caregivers, and the relationship between caregivers' levels of distress and the coping strategies they adopt. Patients and participants: The study samples 112 caregivers of demented patients, consecutively admitted to the Department of Neurology of San Raffaele-Turro Hospital (Milan, Italy).
Measurements and results:Caregivers were asked to complete the CBI and the Italian version of the COPE.The main result is that caregivers with the highest levels of distress are characterised by an impaired physical health status. It was also found that avoidance coping may represent a risk factor associated with higher levels of distress; conversely, an active and problem-focused approach to stressful situations may act as a protective factor.Keywords: Dementia, Caregiver, Burden of Illness, Coping Behavior 3 Riassunto Obiettivo: In letteratura è documentato che prendersi cura di un anziano affetto da demenza comporta per il caregiver un prezzo molto elevato da pagare, e si associa a conseguenze negative sul piano della salute fisica e psichica. Obiettivo della presente ricerca è stato quello di valutare quali variabili socio-demografiche e cliniche possano essere significativamente associate ad elevati livelli di stress nel caregiver stesso, e la relazione esistente tra i livelli di stress del caregiver e il ricorso alle strategie di coping. Pazienti e partecipanti: Lo studio ha coinvolto 112 caregiver di altrettanti pazienti dementi consecutivamente ammessi presso il Reparto di Neurologia dell'Ospedale San Raffaele Turro di Milano. Risultati: I caregiver hanno compilato il CBI e la versione italiana del COPE. I risultati indicano che i caregiver soggetti ad elevati livelli di stress si caratterizzano per uno stato compromesso di salute fisica. Uno stile di coping centrato sull'evitamento delle situazioni problematiche può costituire un fattore di rischio per elevati livelli di stress nel caregiver; il ricorso a strategie attive focalizzate sulla risoluzione del problema può configurarsi come fattore protettivo.
IntroductionThere is ample evidence that taking care of dependent elderly people comes at a very high cost to caregivers' health; more specifically, caregiving affects their physical and psychological health both directly and indirectly [1,2].In Italy, family members are the principal caregivers to elderly, non self-sufficient people. Caregivers are mostly spouses or daughters who decided to take care of the patients in a direct way, that is by living with them [3]. On average, three quarters of their daytime is spent responding to the patients' needs; the amount of time devoted to the patient is inexorably destined to increase as the illness worsens [1].Pr...