During the six year funding period, the effects of a direct and alternating field upon single drop hydrodynamics and mass transfer were evaluated both experimentally and theoretically. Direct current field effects upon drop size, velocity and mass transfer rates were also observed for multiple drops formed in a three stage sieve tray column. Drop size, velocity, and mass transfer rates were measured experimentally and compared to simple models for direct current electric fields. Agreement between theory and experiment was found for drop charge, size, and velocity. Drop mass transfer coefficients were substantially larger than theoretical predictions while extraction efficiencies were moderately higher. Drop distortion and oscillation were observed and are thought to result in the experimentally observed higher values. For alternating current fields, drop flow streamlines and oscillations were measured and found to compare well with predictions from a solved mathematical model. In addition, equipment was constructed to determine mass transfer rates to oscillating drops. Concentration profiles in still and oscillating drops were measured and qualitatively compared to theoretical predictions. D_AIMER This reportwas preparedas an accountof worksponsoredby an agencyof the United States Government.Neitherthe United States Governmentnor any agencythereof,nor any of their employees,makes any warranty,expressor implied,or assumesany legal liabilityor responsibility for the accuracy,completeness, or usefulnessof any information, apparatus,product,or processdisclosed,or representsthat its use would not infringeprivatelyowned rights. Reference hereinto any specificcommercialproduct,process, or serviceby tradename,trademark, manufacturer, or otherwisedoes not necessarilyconstituteor imply its endorsement,recommendation,or favoringby the United States Governmentor any agency thereof.The views and opinions of authorsexpressedherein do not necessarilystate or reflect those of the United StatesGovernment or any agencythereof. %