We show that the resistivity perpendicular ρc and parallel ρa to the basal planes of different graphite samples show similar magnetic-field-driven metal-insulator-transitions at a field Bc ∼ 0.1 T applied parallel to the c−axis. Our results demonstrate the universality of the recently found scaling in ρa of graphite and indicate that the metallic-like temperature dependence of ρc is directly correlated to that of ρa. The similar magnetoresistance found for both resistivities, the violation of Kohler's rule and the field-induced transition indicate that the semiclassical transport theory is inadecuate to understand the transport properties of graphite.Although a considerable amount of studies has been performed on graphite and related compounds, their transport properties are still not well understood. The scientific interest on graphite has been recently renewed by new magnetization [1] and transport [2] results on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG). These show irreversible magnetization [1] that, upon sample, its previous thermal treatment and magnetic field orientation, resembles that of a superconducting loop even at room temperature suggesting the existence of localized superconducting domains at high temperatures in topological disordered regions [3]. This result is indirectly supported by the recently found magnetic-field-driven superconductor-insulator-type transition (SIT) in the inplane resistivity of a HOPG sample [2]. Remarkably, this field-driven transition showed a similar scaling as found for two-dimensional (2D) disordered superconductors as well as for Si MOSFETs [4].