We have measured the electrically detected magnetic resonance of channel-implanted donors in silicon field-effect transistors in resonant X-(9.7 GHz) and W-band (94 GHz) microwave cavities, with corresponding Zeeman fields of 0.35 T and 3.36 T, respectively. It is found that the conduction electron resonance signal increases by two orders of magnitude from X-to W-band, while the hyperfine-split donor resonance signals are enhanced by over one order of magnitude. We rule out a bolometric origin of the resonance signals, and find that direct spin-dependent scattering between the two-dimensional electron gas and neutral donors is inconsistent with the experimental observations. We propose a new polarization transfer model from the donor to the conduction electrons as the main contributer to the spin resonance signals observed.Electrical spin-state detection for solid-state qubits requires a detection channel formed by conduction electrons in close proximity to the qubit. For electron spin qubits, the detection channels usually consist of quantum point contacts or single electron transistors, which are sensitive to the electrostatic environment nearby and able to detect the spin-dependent occupancies of electrons at the qubit site [1][2][3][4]. Alternatively, for nuclear spin qubits such as shallow donors in silicon [5], it was proposed that conduction electrons interacting directly with the neutral donors can be used for nuclear spin-state readout [6], as the conduction and neutral donor electrons undergo spindependent scattering [7][8][9][10][11]. Donor-doped metal-oxidesemiconductor (MOS) devices provide an ideal platform for the detection of such an interaction, as the electronic wavefunction of neutral donors embedded in the device channel can overlap with the nearby gate-induced twodimensional electron gas (2DEG) (Fig. 1(a)). The donor-2DEG interaction can be probed by electrically detected magnetic resonance (EDMR) experiments with the MOS system, as was first reported by Ghosh and Silsbee [7]. However, the use of bulk-doped silicon with a relatively high donor concentration resulted in significant overlap between the donor and 2DEG electron resonance signals, complicating the analysis of the results. In addition, their measurements were limited to a low magnetic field of ∼ 0.35 T. In this Letter, we clarify the mechanisms behind the EDMR signals of such donordoped MOS devices by studying the change in EDMR signal intensities at different magnetic fields. We perform EDMR with accumulation-mode n-type field-effect * Both authors contributed to this work equally. Please contact the corresponding author under cclo@eecs.berkeley.edu.