In this paper, a solid circular cylinder of finite length occupying the space 0⩽r⩽1, 0⩽z⩽h is considered. The purpose of this paper is to adopt a linear hygrothermal effect to analyze the unsteady state responses in a finite long solid cylinder subjected to axisymmetric hygrothermal loading T=TR and C=CR at the surface. The analytical solution of temperature, moisture and thermal stresses is obtained by using the integral transform technique. The coupling and uncoupling effects of temperature, moisture and thermal stresses are discussed for a graphite fiber-reinforced epoxy matrix composite material (T300/5208). The numerical results of transient response hygrothermoelastic field are presented graphically.
In the present problem, hygrothermoelastic response of a finite solid circular cylinder has been investigated by integral transform technique consisting of Laplace transform, Hankel transform and Fourier-cosine transform. The problem is investigated subjected to prescribed sources. Numerical algorithm has been developed for numerical computation.
The analytical solution of temperature, moisture and thermal stresses is obtained by using the integral transform technique. The coupling and uncoupling effects of temperature, moisture and thermal stresses are discussed for a graphite fiber-reinforced epoxy matrix composite material (T300/5208). The numerical results of transient response hygrothermoelastic field are presented graphically.
Research limitations/implications
The work presented here is mostly hypothetical in nature and totally mathematical.
Practical implications
It may be useful for composite materials, composite laminated plates in hygrothermal environment. Also it is having the applications in hygrothermal field where porous media exposed to heat and moisture. The problem investigated will be beneficial for the researcher working in the field thermoelastic diffusion and hygrothermoelastic materials.
Till date, the other authors did the research work on hygrothermal effect of an infinitely long cylinder without thickness. In this paper, the authors consider finite solid cylinder with finite length and discuss the hygrothermal effect within a small range. Second, the material properties are both homogenous and isotropic and are independent of both temperature and moisture.