Pyometra is a hormonally mediated diestral disorder caused by a bacterial infection that results in the accumulation of purulent material in the uterus of dogs. It is due to the progesterone dominance following estrus. During diestrus, the hormonal changes favour uterine gland secretion (uterine milk), which renders the uterine environment for the multiplication of opportunistic bacteria like Escherichia coli (Patil et al 2013). The hormonal changes during diestrus also result in Cystic endometrial hyperplasia (CEH). It predisposes the animal to pyometra due to an abnormal response of the uterus to the existing progesterone. Repeated exposure of endometrium to progesterone stimulates proliferation and secretory activity of the endometrial gland ending up in CEH (Hagman et al 2018).The bacteria in the uterus dies and eventually releases endotoxin, which causes severe sepsis. Sepsis is the most potent, life-threatening syndrome generally due to an overactive immune response to the conquered microorganisms. It can result in systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and lead to multiple organ failures (Jitpean et al 2014). The SIRS in bitches can be assessed by the presence of two or more criteria, which include hypothermia/hyperthermia (≤37.8 or ≥39.7 • C, tachycardia (≥160 bpm), Tachypnea (≥40 breaths/min), leukocytosis/leukopenia (≥12,000WBC/µL or ≤4000 WBC/µL). Myocardial depression is one of the complications mostly neglected but frequently encountered in the case of pyometra due to septicemia and endotoxemia. Cardiovascular disturbance is most likely, and it invariably causes portal hypertension, hepatosplanchnic pooling of blood, and a decrease in blood pressure (Pugliese et al 2020). This sepsis-induced myocardial depression in dogs (SIMD) causes myocardial cell injury resulting in higher mortality in bitches (Kakihana et al 2016). Biomarkers such as cardiac troponin B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) are elevated in SIMD (Lv and Wang 2016). Cardiac-specific troponin 1 is released during ischemia or inflammation of the myocardial cell, effectively used as a sensitive marker (Pelander et al 2009). Electrocardiography (ECG) is the most effective instrument to assess cardiac function. So the objective is to identify the myocardial oxygenation status and electrolyte imbalance encountered in pyometra-affected bitches.
Materials and MethodsThe study was conducted in the Veterinary Clinical Complex (Gynaecology and Medicine Unit), 2022, Puducherry, India. The investigation included six dogs of five different breeds (Rottweiler, Pug, Spitz, Labrador, Dalmatian) averaging around six years that were brought with the complaint of abdominal distension, polydipsia, and polyuria. Clinical evaluation included Abstract Pyometra is one of the most common diestral disorders, especially in middle-aged intact bitches, due to bacterial infection in the uterus. It usually causes mild to severe septicemia that may eventually end up in the animal's death. In certain cases, septicemia may induce myocardial cellular damage dependin...