The reduced Co(I) states of cobaloximes are powerful nucleophiles that play an important role in the hydrogen-evolving catalytic activity of these species. In this work we have analyzed the low energy electronic absorption bands of two cobaloxime systems experimentally and using a variety of density functional theory and molecular orbital ab initio quantum chemical approaches. Overall we find a reasonable qualitative understanding of the electronic excitation spectra of these compounds but show that obtaining quantitative results remains a challenging task.
KeywordsCobaloxime complexes; H 2 evolving catalysts; theoretical electronic spectra; vitamin B 12 mimics
IntroductionCobaloximes are pseudo-macrocyclic bis(dialkylglyoximato) cobalt complexes, first developed in the seventies as vitamin B 12 mimics. This family of complexes has become of *
Europe PMC Funders GroupAuthor Manuscript Chemphyschem. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 August 10.
Published in final edited form as:Chemphyschem. [3,4,5] of their promising hydrogen-evolving catalytic capability. Today, cobaloximes, and the related diimine-dioxime cobalt complexes [6,7,8,9], are recognized as some of the most efficient molecular catalysts for electro-and photo-catalytic hydrogen evolution [10,11,12]. These compounds are known to be powerful nucleophiles in their reduced Co(I) state. It is accepted that the catalytic cycle for hydrogen evolution proceeds via protonation of the Co(I) species, yielding a Co(III)-H hydridocobaloxime intermediate that, after further reduction to the Co(II)-H state, can evolve dihydrogen through either protonation of the hydride moiety or bimolecular reductive elimination [1,2,3,4,5,10,11,6,13,14,15,16,17,18].Recent reports from the groups of Muckerman [19], and Jiang [21] have addressed aspects of the catalytic activity of these compounds using quantum chemical approaches and confirm the role of the Co(I) species. Experimentally, the spectroscopic signatures of Co(I) intermediates have been observed during the course of electro-and photo-catalytic experiments [4,5,22], and the Co(I) species [14,23,24,9], and its protonated Co(III)-H form [25,26,27] Figure 1). We have employed both time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) and correlated molecular orbital methods to characterize the electronic excitation spectra of these compounds and show that a reasonable qualitative description of them can be obtained.
CalculationsThe ORCA [28] program (version 2.9) was employed for all DFT and TDDFT calculations. Geometry optimizations were performed at the DFT level using the BP86 [29,30] and B3LYP [31,32] functionals. Test calculations were also carried out with the addition of empirical van der Waals corrections [33] on compound 2 but the effects were found to be small and so will not be considered further here. To be precise, the relative ordering of the energies of the different isomers remained unchanged and the RMS heavy atom coordinate differences between equivalent optimized st...