Sustainable energy generation calls
for a shift away from centralized,
high-temperature, energy-intensive processes to decentralized, low-temperature
conversions that can be powered by electricity produced from renewable
sources. Electrocatalytic conversion of biomass-derived feedstocks
would allow carbon recycling of distributed, energy-poor resources
in the absence of sinks and sources of high-grade heat. Selective,
efficient electrocatalysts that operate at low temperatures are needed
for electrocatalytic hydrogenation (ECH) to upgrade the feedstocks.
For effective generation of energy-dense chemicals and fuels, two
design criteria must be met: (i) a high H:C ratio via ECH to allow
for high-quality fuels and blends and (ii) a lower O:C ratio in the
target molecules via electrochemical decarboxylation/deoxygenation
to improve the stability of fuels and chemicals. The goal of this
review is to determine whether the following questions have been sufficiently
answered in the open literature, and if not, what additional information
is required:
What organic functionalities are accessible
for electrocatalytic hydrogenation under a set of reaction conditions?
How do substitutions and functionalities impact the activity and selectivity
of ECH?
What material
properties cause an
electrocatalyst to be active for ECH? Can general trends in ECH be
formulated based on the type of electrocatalyst?
What are the impacts of reaction conditions
(electrolyte concentration, pH, operating potential) and reactor types?