This study describes a new high resolution impedance technique by which electrochemical kinetic parameters of physiological relevance for living cell surfaces can be obtained. Isolated cells are forced, via hydrostatic pressure, into the pores of an insulation filter membrane, minimizing extracellular current pathways. Cell surface relaxations are thereby observable in the transient response which is interpreted via electrochemical models involving dielectric charging and specific adsorption. Application to the human red blood cell has isolated a transient current pathway which appears to be related to the kinetics of membrane bound enzyme activity.This study describes a method of greatly increased sensitivity for the evaluation of isolated cell impedances. The results obtained provide data relevant to the choice of signal parameters for periodic electrical waveforms capable of modulating cell and tissue function. The original electrochemical information transfer concept (1-3) considered the kingtics of specific potential dependent ion and dipole interactions at cell surfaces and junctions in relation to the known involvement of ions in cell regulation (4,5). This led to the hypothesis that appropriate kinetic coupling to these processes can influence functional activity. Such an approach with electromagnetically induced current having a waveform configured by one of us (AAP) was first reported to alter the tempo of fracture repair in vivo (6, 7). Many successful applications to a variety of in vitro and in vivo systems have since been reported (8-11), including a major clinical application for the surgically noninvasive repair of some recalcitrant bone fractures (12, 13). Here a new technique is described which allows high resolution detection of electrochemical kinetic parameters of physiological relevance for isolated cells. A quantitative application to human erythrocytes (HRBC) is given.
ExperimentalThe objective is to obtain electrical relaxation measurements over the anticipated wide frequency (time) range of the kinetics of electrochemical surface (membrane) processes for isolated (nonepithelial) cells in physiologically meaningful conditions. To avoid membrane puncture with microelectrodes, previous techniques have utilized cell suspensions (14-18). The sensitivity of this approach is severely compromised, particularly in the frequency range of interest, due to the relatively high conductivity of the isotonic salt suspending solution which shunts a majority of current around the cells. The methodology of the present study utilized a Nuclepore TM filter composed of polycarbonate insulating material, containing well-defined and uniform cylindrical pores. Freshly isolated human red blood cells are washed three times in isotonic Ringer solution (0.15M NaC1, 4 mM KC1, 1 mM CaC12, phosphate buffered to pH 7.4). The washed cells are placed in a vertical conductivity cell containing a Nuclepore TM filter with 2.8 • 10~ (___10%) pores/cm 2 of 2.05 __ 0.05 ~,m diam, and 13.0 • 0.5 #m length having a maximum deviat...