The cyclic voltammetry of a persistent TCNQ(O/-1) couple generated from thin polycrystalline films of 9-aminoacridinium(TCNQ), in contact with 1.0 M potassium acetate does not correspond to simple electron-transfer reactions of surface-confined species. The voltammograms are characterized by narrow peak widths much less than 3.52 RTIF for a oneelectron process, wide hysteresis (>200 mV) between the anodic and cathodic peaks, and significant apparent double-layer capacities. This voltammetric response has been modeled in the context of a square scheme on the basis of two different assumptions: (i) nonideality in terms of interaction parameters and (ii) nucleation phenomena. While calculated voltammograms based on either assumption predict the experimental hysteresis, the assumption of activation-controlled nucleation gave better agreement with the wave shapes. Chronoamperometric experiments gave further support for the role of a three-dimensional nucleation phenomenon.Electrically conducting organic salts in the TTF-TCNQ family are fascinating solid-state materials that have attracted much attention since their discovery more than 20 years ago.'z2 These materials feature segregated stacks of donor and/or acceptor species that produce low-dimensional solid-state structures, often with anisotropic properties. Much interest in these materials has been focused on their solid-state conductivities and related properties. Much less attention has been paid to their performance as working electrodes in electrochemical applications since the seminal work of Jaeger and Bard.3 Others have reported on the voltammetric behavior of conducting salt electrodes,4z5 and Ward has provided a comprehensive re vie^.^ Cyclic voltammograms (CVs) of these materials under conditions where the oxidation states of the conducting organic salt are insoluble (usually aqueous solution with high concentration of supporting electrolyte) are characterized by several distinctive features. These include ( 2 ) narrow peak widths that are often much less than the theoretical value of 3.52 RTInF for an n-electron surface wave, (ii) wide separation of oxidation and reduction peaks, and (iii) significant apparent double-layer capacities that are oxidation-state dependent. Conducting salt voltammograms with these features have been reported for working electrodes fabricated from single crystal^,^,^ polycrystalline pellet^,^.^-'^ polycrystalline films pressed on graphite sub~trates,'~-l~ vapor deposited films,13 silicone oil paste^,^ solidified polyvinylchloride s l ~r r i e s , ~~~, ~ and crystallites entrapped in Nafion films.14J5An example of this behavior is the voltammetry of polycrystalline films of 9-aminoacridinium(TCNQ), in contact with potassium electrolyte solutions. Oxidation of these films at 0.6 V us. saturated calomel electrode (SCE) in aqueous electrolyte solution involves expulsion of hydronium ions which activates a surface redox process involv-* Electrochemical Society Active Member. ** Electrochemical Society Student Member.