Redmond Red, a fluoropore containing a redox active phenoxazine core, has been explored as a new electrochemical probe for the detection of abasic sites in double stranded DNA. The electrochemical behavior of Redmond Red-modified DNA at gold surfaces exhibits stable, quasi-reversible voltammetry with a midpoint potential centered around -50 mV versus NHE. Importantly, with Redmond Red positioned opposite an abasic site within the DNA duplex, the electrochemical response is significantly enhanced compared to Redmond Red positioned across from a base. Redmond Red, reporting only if well stacked in the duplex, represents a sensitive probe to detect abasic sites electrochemically in a DNA-mediated reaction.Since its discovery, the ability of DNA to conduct charge has been exploited in a variety of arenas, including time resolved spectroscopy (1-3), conductivity measurements (4-7), and the development of biosensors (8). Our group, in particular, has explored the versatility of this intrinsic property of DNA by performing extensive electrochemical studies on surfaces modified with DNA duplexes (9-15). Typically in such systems, thiol-modified oligonucleotides are tethered to a gold electrode at the 5′ terminus by a Au-S bond and further modified at the opposite end with a redox probe, thus allowing the duplexes to act as an extension of the conducting medium. The reduction of the attached probe, as observed voltammetrically, serves as an indicator of the transport of charge via the DNA duplex. Importantly, it has been shown that DNA-mediated charge transport is remarkably sensitive to the integrity of the base stack; upon introduction of a single base mismatch located between the electrode and the redox probe, measured currents are dramatically diminished (9-10). This behavior not only provides conclusive evidence that the observed electrochemical reactions are indeed DNA-mediated but also allows naturally occurring perturbations, which may only subtly interrupt π-stack overlap, to be detected (11-15).Among these possibly destabilizing defects are abasic sites, which appear naturally and frequently among DNA sequences as the result of hydrolytic cleavage of the glycosidic bond (16-23).Specific enzymes are responsible for correcting these damaged sites prior to transcription and replication. When this repair pathway is delinquent, however, the persistence of these defects can impart deleterious effects on genetic encoding, leading to the development of cancer, among other diseases (24-26). Because they represent a potential threat, the reliable and specific detection of abasic sites is critical, although still very much under exploration. Development of an electrochemical system to detect these unwanted sites specifically could E-mail: * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed Supporting Information Available: Synthetic details, electrochemical experimental conditions, and characterization data (HPLC, MS, UV-vis, T m ) of modified DNA. This material is available free of charge via...