1Introduction Diamond-like carbon( DLC) materials refer to ac lass of carbon materials composedo famixture of sp 2 (trigonal) and sp 3 (tetrahedral) carbon hybridizations [1].D LC exhibits as et of very interesting chemicala nd physical properties,i ncluding high hardness and elastic modulus, low friction coefficient, excellent thermal stability,c hemical inertness,o ptical transparency, high electrical resistance and bio-compatibility [1c, 2].T hese properties are dependent upon the relative ratio of sp 2 and sp 3 hybridization content [3].T herefore,D LC films presents imilar properties to those of crystalline diamond films,w ith the extra advantagethat they can be deposited at low temperatures and thereforeu pon low-melting substratess uch as polymers,g lass,s emiconductors,e tc. [4].M any DLC properties are also desirable for working electrodes used for ar ange of differente lectrochemical applications,e specially electroanalytical chemistry. However,D LC films are usually electrically insulating,with electricalresistivity values typically > 10 6 W cm [5],w hich limits their use in electroanalyticalc hemistry.T oo vercomet his,r esearchers have investigatedi nsertingc harge donors or acceptors as dopants [6],o rh ave prepared ultra-thin films DLC to improve the electricaland thermal conductivities [7].Another approach is to design all-carbon films by incorporation of conductive carbon allotropic forms such as carbon nanotubes within the normally insulating DLC film. This strategy has been proposed by different authors but most reports concern investigationo ft he mechanical features of the obtainedf ilms [8].O nly in recent years has the electrochemical behaviouro fC NT/DLC compo-site electrodesb een explored. We recently reported the synthesiso fp orous DLC films prepared on vertically aligned multi-walled carbonn anotubes (VAMWCNT) [9].W ef irst showed that af ast electron transfer rate and excellenta nalytical performance was achieved from the use of the VA MWCNT baseda rchitecture alone as electrochemical sensor [10].W ethen showed that coatingt he VA MWCNT with DLCr esulted in porous,e lectrically conducting DLC films (DLC:VAMWCNT) with promising electrochemicalb ehaviour. TheD LC:VAMWCNT composite electrode exhibited fast electron transfer kinetics toward inorganic and organicr edox probes, as well as high analyticalsensitivity in the cyclic voltammetric determination of biomolecules( dopamine, epinephrine and paracetamol) [9b,c].Abstract:Aporous electrode material combiningt he features of vertically aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes (VAMWCNT) and diamond-like carbon films (DLC) have been developed for ah ighly sensitive electrochemical sensor.F or working electrodep reparation, DLC has been grown onto VA MWCNT,f orming ap orous,c onductive and stable composite.T he electrochemicalp erformance of this DLC:VAMWCNT electrode has been investigated toward detection and analysis of three wellknown molecules,n amely paracetamol, codeine and caffeine.Aternary mixture of thesea nalytesw as simultane-ously ...