COMMUNICATION1o underwent oxidative polymerization readily to form thick conducting fi lms of a redox polymer (poly-1o ), whereas in its closed form, 1c , polymerization was not observed upon oxidation, ascribed to the extended π-conjugation in 1c and the coupling of the "radicals" formed upon one-electron oxidation of each half of the dithienyl ethene. Hence, the system provided for photochemical on/off switching of the polymerization of 1 . [ 18 ] Although dithienylethene photochromic switches readily undergo thermal cyclization and cycloreversion upon one-electron [ 19 ] or two-electron [ 20 ] oxidation (depending on the precise structure of the diarylethene), in the case of 1 the rate of electrochemical ring closing was suffi ciently low to allow for C C coupling at the terminal thiophene carbons to be competitive and for polymer fi lm formation to occur. The polymer fi lms formed, however, were found to be inert to both photo-and electrochemical switching and instead the spectroscopic and electrochemical properties of poly-1 appeared to be essentially those of an alkene bridged poly-sexithiophene polymer. [ 21 ] Spectroscopic comparison with model compound 2 [ 22 ] ( Scheme 2 ), for which the open state forms H-aggregates in solution at below 200 K, indicated that the extent of H-type interactions [ 23 ] in the polymer fi lm was substantial and hence rapid excited state deactivation due to Davydov splitting precluded both fl uorescence and photochemical switching. [ 24 ] The introduction of a phenyl spacer unit between the dithienylethene and the dithiophene units restored the switching functionality of the dithienylethene unit in a polymer fi lm, however, the quantum yield for photochemical switching was still lower than that observed in solution. [ 25 ] The use of a methoxystyryl unit in place of the bithiophene unit also allows for electropolymerization with retention of the photo-and electrochemical switching properties of the dithienylethene unit, however, this is achieved at the cost of fi lm thickness and poor fi lm stability under UV irradiation. [ 26 ] Recently, we demonstrated an alternative approach toward the preparation of photochemically switchable redox-polymers in which the functional unit (a bisspiropyran) was formed concomitant with polymerization of the monomer units. This approach provides polymer fi lms in which the properties of the switching unit observed in solution are retained fully in the polymer. [ 27 ] With these later approaches the photochromic functionality of dithienylethene switching unit is retained, however, the opportunity to modulate the intense fl uorescence of the sexithiophene unit by dual redox and photochemical control is lost. Although fi lms of poly-1 were found to be photochemically inert and show little or no fl uorescence, the excellent properties of poly-1 in regard to electropolymerization, electrochromic response, and fi lm stability prompted us to reexamine its photochemical and photophysical properties.In this contribution, we show that the photochemistry ...