micro-particles used to stabilize the emulsion translate to either the poles or the equator of the drops, depending on the relative dielectric constants of the particles, on the surrounding fl uid and on the fl uid within the drop. Such motions break the particle barrier, thus allowing the drops to merge and therefore the emulsion to be destabilized. In a different approach, Dommersnes et al. [ 4 ] demonstrated that AC fi elds could also induce the organization of colloidal particles (metallic, clays or polymers) in "equatorial" ribbons and "longitudinal" dipolar chains at the surface of silicone drops dispersed in castor oil.Oil-in-water emulsions (O/W) under electric fi eld were disregarded until recently since it is diffi cult to destabilize them electrically because of the high conductivity of the continuous phase: the current densities required to induce signifi cant chain formation are much larger compared to those required for W/O emulsions. Vigo and Ristenpart [ 5 ] recently developed a lowvoltage technique for separating stable O/W emulsions. They were able to induce lateral aggregation and further coalescence of the oil droplets by applying a transversal AC electric fi eld, thus proving that the aggregation behavior is strongly reminiscent of that observed under similar electric fi eld conditions for rigid colloids. [ 6 ] In the same vein, here we provide evidence that double-emulsion globules (W/O/W) behave exactly like solid colloidal particles, and that they can self-assemble into planar close-packed or non-close packed hexagonal crystals. Moreover, we take advantage of this property to produce patterned micro-structures using a process we recently developed, called electro-colloidal lithography. [ 7 ] Like conventional colloidal lithography, electro-colloidal lithography relies on the fabrication of a colloidal mask. In colloidal lithography, surface patterning combines colloidal crystal formation with other techniques such as etching, imprinting or electrochemical deposition of a metal salt. [ 8 ] The added-value of electro-colloidal lithography lies in its simplicity since both the colloidal mask and the patterned surface are generated by the application of electric fi elds. The process begins with the arrangement of polystyrene micro-beads into close-packed hexagonal crystals (hpc) or in non-close packed hexagonal crystals (hnpc) using an AC electric fi eld. After fi xing 2D-microbeads crystals onto the electrode surface, a second population of colloidal particles is introduced; either these particles A technique developed to self assemble solid colloidal particles under a sinusoidal electric fi eld (AC fi eld) is adapted to soft W/O/W double-emulsion globules, and is exploited for surface patterning. Double-emulsions containing cupric ions are prepared, placed between two planar ITO electrodes and submitted to a transversal AC fi eld which induced their ordering into hexagonal 2D-arrays. The characteristic spacing is monitored by varying the globule volume fraction. Such self-assembly is used...