The discovery of superconductivity in a mercury sample by Heike Kamerlingh Onnes in 1911 have led to the rapid development and advancement of high T c superconductivity technology [1]. The highest T c of superconductors was that of the compound Nb3Ge until 1986 when two scientists J. G. Bednoz and K. A. Mller reported possible superconductivity in a mixture of La and Ba Copper Oxides at temperature of 30 K [2]. More recently, scientists have reported superconductivity at a temperature as high as 150 K in an oxide containing mercury [3]. However, to develop a new technology that utilizes superconductors, a complete understanding of the macroscopic electrodynamics of superconductors is important. Therefore, in this paper, some basic phenomena of superconductors and the macroscopic electrodynamic theory of superconductors in weak fields are discussed.