The Commission requested that EFSA review relevant new scientific references on electrical stunning of poultry and to recommend, if necessary, new electrical requirements applicable for waterbath stunning equipment. A systematic literature review was conducted to determine those electrical parameters that would deliver an effective stun so that birds would be rendered unconscious and insensible until death. Inspection data from slaughterhouse inspections conducted both in Member States in and non-Member States were included. Many of the published studies did not allow a comprehensive analysis due to different study designs and incomplete data. There are few observational studies in abattoirs to determine the numbers of birds that are effectively stunned, however, the inspection data from the Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) did not identify major problems but, for practical reasons, they used non-EEG (electro-encephalogram) methods to ascertain the effectiveness of a stun. At the present time, an EEG is the most reliable indicator of unconsciousness and insensibility. Clinical somatosensory indicators are not as reliable. The aim of a stunning system is to achieve a 100% effective stun, and the most effective electrical parameters in use can achieve an effectiveness of up to 96% as measured using EEG ascertainment methods (100% were reported as unconscious using non-EEG methods). It is recommended that the Regulation should indicate minimum current for each bird, frequency and current type as well as the wave characteristics -duty cycle and waveform. There should be better surveillance and monitoring of the electrical parameters in use at abattoirs and, in addition, methods that allow the accurate measurement of actual electrical current flowing through each bird should be further developed. Research on effective stunning should be validated by the measurement of EEG activity and related to clinical measures that are easier to use in practice.
© European Food Safety Authority, 2012
KEY WORDSWaterbath, electrical stunning parameters, poultry, slaughter, insensibility.
SUMMARYFollowing a request from the Commission, the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the electrical parameters of waterbath stunning equipment applicable for poultry.The parameters for electrical waterbath stunning of poultry are presented in Table 2 EFSA, 2004EFSA, , 2006. The Commission has received information and requests from the UK and Dutch Authorities to amend the values stated in the Table 2, based on new scientific research untaken since the adoption of these previous EFSA Opinions.The UK Authority requested that the high range frequency band in the Table 2 should cover 600 to 800 Hz and that it should not extend to 1500 Hz, due to the concerns that frequencies above 800 Hz will lead to electro-immobilisation and will not produce an effective stun. The request also mentioned changing the mid-range frequency band in Table 2 to cover 200 to 600 Hz (instead of 200 to 400 Hz as current...