The inductive response of a conducting horizontal cylinder embedded in a uniform earth is studied using numerical results obtained for an analytical solution for the problem of a conducting cylinder buried in a homogeneous earth for the case of a uniform inducing field. A check of the validity of the numerical results is made by a comparison with analogue model measurements for a number of cases. Numerical results for a range of cylinder radii (a = l-10 km), depths of burial (d = O-4 km), conductivity contrasts (cZ = lo-'-10 Sm-'), and source frequencies (f= 1O-1-1O-4 Hz) of interest in the interpretation of magnetotelluric field measurements are presented. The results indicate that for a uniform inducing field the conductivity and depth of burial of a horizontal cylindrical inhomogeneity are best determined through a measurement of the amplitudes H,, H, and E, and the phases aY and TX.*