We study the electromagnetic form factors, decay constants and charge radii of the pion and kaon within the framework of light-front field theory formalism where we use an ansatz for the quark-meson interaction bound-state function which is symmetric under exchange of quark and antiquark momentum. The above mentioned observables are evaluated for the + component of the electromagnetic current, J + , in the Breit frame. We also check the invariance of these observables in other frames, whereby both the valance and the non-valence contributions have to be taken into account, and study the sensitivity of the electromagnetic form factors and charge radius to the model's parameters; namely, the quark masses, mu = m d , ms, and the regulator mass, mR. It is found that after a fine tuning of the regulator mass, i.e. mR = 0.6 GeV, the model is suitable to fit the available experimental data within the theoretical uncertainties of both the pion and kaon.fined by the coordinate x + = x 0 + x 3 = 0, and due to the stability of the Fock-state decomposition these wave functions are covariant under kinematic boosts [4,6].