Using a combination of high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy and atomically resolved electron energy-loss spectroscopy in an aberration-corrected transmission electron microscope we demonstrate the possibility of 2D atom by atom valence mapping in the mixed valence compound Mn 3 O 4 . The Mn L 2;3 energy-loss near-edge structures from Mn 2þ and Mn 3þ cation sites are similar to those of MnO and Mn 2 O 3 references. Comparison with simulations shows that even though a local interpretation is valid here, intermixing of the inelastic signal plays a significant role. This type of experiment should be applicable to challenging topics in materials science, such as the investigation of charge ordering or single atom column oxidation states in, e.g., dislocations. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.107602 PACS numbers: 79.20.Uv, 68.37.Ma, 75.25.Dk In transition metal oxides, the oxidation state of the transition metal cations is of fundamental importance as the physical properties of many oxides are determined by the occupancy of the cation d bands. Multiferroicity, for example, can be driven by charge ordering of these cations, as in Fe 3 O 4 and Pr 1Àx Ca x MnO 3 [1-3]. However, the exact mechanism of multiferroic behavior is not fully understood to date. A method allowing for direct mapping of cation valence states in these materials at atomic resolution should therefore provide further insight into the origin of multiferroicity.Recently, atomic resolution elemental mapping has become feasible by means of spatially resolved electron energy-loss spectroscopy and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy in a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM-EELS and STEM-EDX) [4][5][6][7][8][9]. At the same time, tremendous effort is being invested into the identification of the oxidation states of cations using electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS). The shape of the L 2;3 edge [10], the chemical shift [11,12] and the L 3 =L 2 ratio [13] have all been used as a fingerprint for the transition metal valence. In fact, the correlation between the energy-loss near-edge structure (ELNES) and valence in different transition metal oxides was confirmed by several experiments in literature [10,[14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]. The higher the energy resolution, the more convincing this link between valence and ELNES features becomes. Combining the atomic resolution capabilities of a STEM with bonding and valence information from EELS is a highly attractive prospect. While bonding information has been obtained at atomic resolution [7,17,22], 2D oxidation state mapping at the atomic level in, e.g., metaloxide materials has remained challenging due to poor EELS signal-to-noise ratio and the need for simultaneous high spatial and energy resolution of the instrument [10,17,23].Mn 3 O 4 is known to be a mixed valence compound, containing both Mn 2þ and Mn 3þ ions at room temperature [24]. It has a spinel structure with lattice parameters a ¼ 5:762 A and c ¼ 9:4696 A and space group I41=amd. Many interesting...