The endocrine systems of men and experimental animals such as rat and mouse consist of several endocrine organs such as the thyroid, thymus, adrenal, pancreas, testis or ovary. The term "Cell Ageing" initially means how the cells change due to their ageing. It contains 2 meanings, one how a cell changes when it is isolated from in vivo original animals or plants such as in vitro cells in cell culture, while the other means how all the cells of an animal or a plant change in vivo due to the ageing of the individual animal or plant. I had first studied the meaning of cell ageing many years ago (more than 50 years) how a cell changed when it was isolated from original experimental animals such as mice and rats by cell culture [1][2][3], and then moved to the study on the latter cell ageing, i.e., how all the cells of an experimental animal change in vivo due to the ageing of the individual prenatal and postnatal animal [4][5][6][7][8].Recently, I have been studying the ageing changes from the viewpoint of the cell nutrients those were incorporated and synthesized into various cells in individual animals during their ageing [9]. Therefore, this article deals with only the cell ageing of animal cells in vivo, how the metabolism, i.e., incorporations and syntheses of respective nutrients, the macromolecular precursors, in various kinds of cells change due to the ageing of individual experimental animals such as mice and rats by means of microscopic radioautography. The incorporations and syntheses of various nutrients such as DNA, RNA, proteins, glucides, lipids and others in various kinds of cells of endocrine systems such as thyroid, thymus, adrenal gland, pancreatic islet cells or reproductive cells should be reviewed referring many original papers already published from our laboratory.
Ageing Associated Changes in Macromolecule Synthesis in the EndocrineOrgans as Revealed by Microscopic Radioautography The endocrine system of men and experimental animals consists of several endocrine organs. The term "Cell Ageing" initially means how the cells change due to their ageing. It contains 2 meanings, one how a cell changes when it is isolated from original animals or plants such as in vitro cells in cell culture, while the other means how all the cells of an animal or a plant changes in vivo due to the ageing of the individual animal or plant. I have been studying the latter changes from the viewpoint of the cell nutrients, the precursors for the macromolecular synthesis such as DNA, RNA, proteins, glucides and lipids, which are incorporated and synthesized into various cells of individual animals. Therefore, this article deals with only the cell ageing of animal cells in vivo, how the metabolism, i.e., incorporations and syntheses of respective nutrient precursors in various kinds of cells change due to the ageing of individual experimental animals such as mice and rats by means of microscopic radioautography to localize the RI-labeled precursors. The incorporations and syntheses of various precursors for macromolecule...