The anomalous high-index faces (hkl) of the mineral calaverite (Au~_xAgxTe2) measured goniometrically in the year 1931 by Goldschmidt, Palache & Peacock [Neues Jahrb. Mineral (1931), 63, 1-58] are re-interpreted and related to the wave vector q of the displacive incommensurate modulation which was recently found in the crystal structure. All crystal * Present address: Philips Research Laboratories, PO Box 80.000, NL-5600 JA Eindhoven, The Netherlands.faces (including the high-index ones) can be given four low indices (hklm), using q as a fourth basis vector. From this an almost hundred-year-old anomaly in crystal morphology is in principle solved.
I. IntroductionThe present investigation started from a non-applicability of the law of rational indices to crystal growth forms of calaverite Aul_pAgpTe2 (p < 0.15) (Smith, 1902;Goldschmidt, Palache & Peacock, 1931).Classically (Bravais-Friedel) the morphology of crystals is related to the existence of a crystal lattice. This crystal lattice is even implicitly suggested by Haiiy's law of rational indices. The latter can be extended to the use of four or more rational indices in order to describe the crystal forms of modulated crystals (Janner, Rasing, Bennema & van der Linden, 1980;Dam & Janner, 1983, 1986. The fact that the number of indices can be larger than three reflects the fact that the number of fundamental periodicities can also be larger than three, which is a key concept for the understanding of crystal faces. Hence, in the description of crystal morphology one is not necessarily restricted to the three periodicities generating a three-dimensional space lattice. In the onedimensional modulated case the modulation wave vector q = aa* + fib* + yc* has to be added as a fourth basic vector to the three ones of the undistorted reciprocal-lattice unit cell: a*, b*, c*. Any crystal face of a one-dimensionally modulated crystal is then labeled by the four indices (hklm) of the corresponding face normal given by k--ha*+kb*+lc*+ mq.The use of four indices is closely related to the superspace approach as introduced for incommensurately modulated crystals by de Wolff (1977) and Janner & Janssen (1977. Indeed, the presence of fundamental periodicities in a given crystal does not mean that the structure is periodic in space. One can eventually restore the familiar lattice periodicity by embedding the crystal in a larger space, the superspace, with as many dimensions as there are fundamental periodicities. In Dam & Janner (1986) the details of this approach are explained and applied to the morphology of the modulated phases of the crystal tetramethylammonium tetrachlorozincate [(CH3)aN]2ZnCI 4. The most recent experimental result of morphological research on that compound is the observation of a roughening of a satellite orientation (hklm) upon a change of the modulation wave vector q as a function of temperature (Dam, 1985). Note that superspace embedding is necessary for a symmetry characterization in terms of Euclidean space groups, but not if that is not req...