The directional electron momentum density distributions (Compton profiles) of single-crystal cadmium have been measured in transmission and reflection experimental geometries using high-energy (662 keV) gamma radiation from a 137 Cs isotope source. Profiles along the [100] and [110] directions in reciprocal space were measured in both geometries, whereas only the transmission geometry was used for the measurements along the [001] direction. The experimental data have been compared with corresponding theoretical KKR semi-relativistic calculations. The directional difference profiles, both experimental and theoretical, show, similarly to other hexagonal systems, very small anisotropy of the electron momentum density in hexagonal cadmium, about 0.3%, i.e. less than half of that presented in the literature for cubic systems. Minor discrepancies between KKR calculations and experiment probably occur due to the necessity to introduce an anisotropic electron-electron correlation correction.